

Version: Quantities/Dates/Values in order operation

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The table VSAFVV_CN (Version: Quantities/Dates/Values in order operation) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package CNVS.

Technical Information

Short Text Version: Quantities/Dates/Values in order operation
Package CNVS
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table VSAFVV_CN

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
VSNMR Number or description of a version VSNMR CHAR 12
AUFPL Routing number of operations in the order CO_AUFPL NUMC 10
APLZL General counter for order CO_APLZL NUMC 8 AFVC
MEINH Unit of Measure for Activity/Operation VORME UNIT 3 T006
UMREN Denominator for converting rtg and op units of measure CP_UMREN DEC 5
UMREZ Numerator for converting task list and oper. un. of measure CP_UMREZ DEC 5
BMSCH Base Quantity BMSCH QUAN 13
ZEIER Unit for the break time DZEIER UNIT 3 T006
VGE01 Unit of measure for the standard value VGWRTEH UNIT 3 T006
VGW01 Standard Value VGWRT QUAN 9
VGE02 Unit of measure for the standard value VGWRTEH UNIT 3 T006
VGW02 Standard Value VGWRT QUAN 9
VGE03 Unit of measure for the standard value VGWRTEH UNIT 3 T006
VGW03 Standard Value VGWRT QUAN 9
VGE04 Unit of measure for the standard value VGWRTEH UNIT 3 T006
VGW04 Standard Value VGWRT QUAN 9
VGE05 Unit of measure for the standard value VGWRTEH UNIT 3 T006
VGW05 Standard Value VGWRT QUAN 9
VGE06 Unit of measure for the standard value VGWRTEH UNIT 3 T006
VGW06 Standard Value VGWRT QUAN 9
ZEIMU Unit for the minimum overlap time DZEIMU UNIT 3 T006
ZMINU Minimum overlap time DZMINU QUAN 9
MINWE Minimum Send-Ahead Quantity MINWEI QUAN 13
ZEIMB Unit for the minimum processing time DZEIMB UNIT 3 T006
ZMINB Minimum processing time DZMINB QUAN 9
ZEILM Unit for the maximum wait time DZEILM UNIT 3 T006
ZLMAX Maximum wait time DZLMAX QUAN 9
ZEILP Unit for the required wait time DZEILP UNIT 3 T006
ZLPRO Minimum wait time DZLPRO QUAN 9
ZEIWN Unit for the standard queue time DZEIWN UNIT 3 T006
ZWNOR Standard queue time DZWNOR QUAN 9
ZEIWM Unit for the minumum queue time DZEIWM UNIT 3 T006
ZWMIN Minimum queue time DZWMIN QUAN 9
ZEITN Unit for the standard move time DZEITN UNIT 3 T006
ZTNOR Standard move time DZTNOR QUAN 9
ZEITM Unit for the minimum move time DZEITM UNIT 3 T006
ZTMIN Minimum move time DZTMIN QUAN 9
PLIFZ Planned Delivery Time in Days PLIFZ DEC 3
DAUNO Normal duration of the activity DAUNOR QUAN 5
DAUNE Normal duration/unit DAUNORE UNIT 3 T006
DAUMI Minimum activity duration DAUMIN QUAN 5
DAUME Unit for the minimum duration DAUMINE UNIT 3 T006
EINSA Constraint on the basic start date for the activity EINSCHRA CHAR 1
EINSE Constraint on the finish date of the activity EINSCHRE CHAR 1
ARBEI Work involved in the activity ARBEIT QUAN 7
ARBEH Unit for work ARBEITE UNIT 3 T006
MGVRG Operation Quantity MGVRG QUAN 13
ASVRG Operation scrap ASVRG QUAN 13
LMNGA Total Yield Confirmed LMNGA QUAN 13
XMNGA Total scrap quantity confirmed XMNGA QUAN 13
GMNGA Confirmed yield in order unit of measure GMNGA QUAN 13
ISM01 Previously confirmed activity CO_RUMNG QUAN 13
ISM02 Previously confirmed activity CO_RUMNG QUAN 13
ISM03 Previously confirmed activity CO_RUMNG QUAN 13
ISM04 Previously confirmed activity CO_RUMNG QUAN 13
ISM05 Previously confirmed activity CO_RUMNG QUAN 13
ISM06 Previously confirmed activity CO_RUMNG QUAN 13
ISMNW Actual work CO_ISMNW QUAN 13
FSAVD Earliest scheduled start: Execution (date) FSAVD DATS 8
FSAVZ Earliest scheduled start: Execution (time) FSAVZ TIMS 6
FSSBD Earliest scheduled start: Processing (date) FSSBD DATS 8
FSSBZ Earliest scheduled start: Processing (time) FSSBZ TIMS 6
FSSAD Earliest scheduled start: Teardown (date) FSSAD DATS 8
FSSAZ Earliest scheduled start: Teardown (time) FSSAZ TIMS 6
FSEDD Earliest scheduled finish: Execution (date) FSEDD DATS 8
FSEDZ Earliest scheduled finish: Execution (time) FSEDZ TIMS 6
FSSLD Earliest scheduled start: Wait (date) FSSLD DATS 8
FSSLZ Earliest scheduled start: Wait (time) FSSLZ TIMS 6
FSELD Earliest scheduled finish: Wait (date) FSELD DATS 8
FSELZ Earliest scheduled finish: Wait (time) FSELZ TIMS 6
SSAVD Latest scheduled start: Execution (date) SSAVD DATS 8
SSAVZ Latest scheduled start: Execution (time) SSAVZ TIMS 6
SSSBD Latest scheduled start: Processing (date) SSSBD DATS 8
SSSBZ Latest scheduled start: Processing (time) SSSBZ TIMS 6
SSSAD Latest scheduled start: Teardown (date) SSSAD DATS 8
SSSAZ Latest scheduled start: Teardown (time) SSSAZ TIMS 6
SSEDD Latest scheduled finish: Execution (date) SSEDD DATS 8
SSEDZ Latest scheduled finish: Execution (time) SSEDZ TIMS 6
SSSLD Latest scheduled start: Wait time (date) SSSLD DATS 8
SSSLZ Latest scheduled start: Wait time SSSLZ TIMS 6
SSELD Latest scheduled finish: Wait time (date) SSELD DATS 8
SSELZ Latest scheduled finish: Wait time SSELZ TIMS 6
ISAVD Actual operation start (date) ISAVD DATS 8
IEAVD Actual finish of operation (date) IEAVD DATS 8
ISDD Actual start: Execution (date) ISDD DATS 8
ISDZ Actual start: Execution/setup (time) ISDZ TIMS 6
IERD Actual finish: Setup (date) IERD DATS 8
IERZ Actual finish: Setup (time) IERZ TIMS 6
ISBD Actual start: Processing (date) ISBD DATS 8
ISBZ Actual start: Processing (time) ISBZ TIMS 6
IEBD Actual finish: Processing (date) IEBD DATS 8
IEBZ Actual processing finish (time) IEBZ TIMS 6
ISAD Actual start: Teardown (date) ISAD DATS 8
ISAZ Actual start: Teardown (time) ISAZ TIMS 6
IEDD Actual finish: Execution (date) IEDD DATS 8
IEDZ Actual finish: Execution (time) IEDZ TIMS 6
PEDD Forecast finish date of operation from confirmation CO_PEDD DATS 8
PEDZ Forecast finish time of operation from confirmation CO_PEDZ TIMS 6
NTANF Constraint for activity start (Basic) VORGABESTD DATS 8
NTANZ Constraint for activity start time (Basic) VORGABESTZ TIMS 6
NTEND Constraint for Finish of Activity (Basic) VORGABEEND2 DATS 8
NTENZ Basic finish time of the activity VORGABEENZ TIMS 6
EWSTD Forecasted start date for the activity EWSTARTD DATS 8
EWSTZ Forecast start time of the activity EWSTARTZ TIMS 6
EWEND Forecast finish date EWENDED DATS 8
EWENZ Forecast finish time for the activity EWENDEZ TIMS 6
EWDAN Normal duration (from forecast) of activity EWDAN QUAN 5
EWDNE Unit for forecast normal duration EWDNE UNIT 3 T006
EWDAM Minimum duration (from forecast) for activity EWDAM QUAN 5
EWDME Unit for forecast minimum duration EWDME UNIT 3 T006
EWSTE Forecast date constraint on activity finish PS_RESTE CHAR 1
EWSTA Forecast date constraint on activity start PS_RESTA CHAR 1
WARTZ Queue time used for scheduling WARTEZEIT FLTP 16
WRTZE Unit of measure for queue time WTRZE UNIT 3
RUEST Setup time RUEST FLTP 16
RSTZE Unit of measure for setup time RSTZE UNIT 3
BEARZ Processing time BEARZEIT FLTP 16
BEAZE Unit of measure for processing time BEAZE UNIT 3
ARUZE Unit of measure for teardown ARUZE UNIT 3
LIEGZ Wait time used for scheduling LIEGEZEIT FLTP 16
LIGZE Unit of measure for wait time LIGZE UNIT 3
TRANZ Move time used for scheduling TRANSZEIT FLTP 16
TRAZE Unit of measure for move time TRAZE UNIT 3
ISERH Confirmed break time ISERH QUAN 9
OFM01 Forecast value used to update the standard value CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 9
OFM02 Forecast value used to update the standard value CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 9
OFM03 Forecast value used to update the standard value CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 9
OFM04 Forecast value used to update the standard value CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 9
OFM05 Forecast value used to update the standard value CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 9
OFM06 Forecast value used to update the standard value CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 9
OFMNW Forecasted work (actual + remaining) OFMNW QUAN 7
BZOFFB Reference date for start of sub-operation CP_OBZOFFB CHAR 2 TCA54
EHOFFB Unit for offset to start CP_OEHOFFB UNIT 3 T006
OFFSTB Offset to sub-operation start CP_OOFFSTB QUAN 5
OFFSTE Offset to sub-operation finish CP_OOFFSTE QUAN 5
BZOFFE Reference date for finish of sub-operation CP_OBZOFFE CHAR 2 TCA54
EHOFFE Unit for offset to finish CP_OEHOFFE UNIT 3 T006
FPAVD Earliest scheduled start date (forecast) FPAVD DATS 8
FPAVZ Earliest scheduled start time (forecast) FPAVZ TIMS 6
FPEDD Earliest scheduled finish date (forecast) FPEDD DATS 8
FPEDZ Earliest scheduled finish time (forecast) FPEDZ TIMS 6
SPAVD Latest scheduled start date (forecast) SPAVD DATS 8
SPAVZ Latest scheduled start time (forecast) SPAVZ TIMS 6
SPEDD Latest scheduled finish date (forecast) SPEDD DATS 8
SPEDZ Latest scheduled finish time (forecast) SPEDZ TIMS 6
BEAZP Unit of processing time (Forecast) BEAZEP UNIT 3
PUFGP Total float (from forecast) PPUFF_GESM DEC 3
PUFFP Free float (from forecast) PPUFF_FREI DEC 3
BEARP Processing time (forecast) PBEARZEIT FLTP 16
EPANF Dispatched start date for operation EPANF DATS 8
EPANZ Dispatched start time for operation EPANZ TIMS 6
EPEND Dispatched finish date EPEND DATS 8
EPENZ Dispatched finish time EPENZ TIMS 6
PDAU Forecasted duration of activity from confirmation PDAU QUAN 5
PDAE Unit of the forecasted duration from the confirmation PDAE UNIT 3 T006
KNOTE Transportation Connection Points KNOTE CHAR 10 TVKN
VSTZW Deadline function VSTZW CHAR 4 TVTZ
VSTGA Deadline deviation reason VSTGA CHAR 4 TVTG
QRASTMENG Quantity Between Two Inspections QRASTMENG QUAN 13
AUFKT Execution Factor AFAKT DEC 3
RMNGA Total confirmed rework quantity RMNGA QUAN 13
ILE01 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 3 *
ILE02 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 3 *
ILE03 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 3 *
ILE04 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 3 *
ILE05 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 3 *
ILE06 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 3 *
RWFAK Rework factor (is not used yet) RWFAK DEC 5
IPRZ1 Confirmed quantity/work for business process CO_IPRZS QUAN 13
IPRE1 Unit of measurement for conf. quantity for business process RU_IPRZE UNIT 3 *
IPRK1 No remaining quantity expected for business process RU_IPRZK CHAR 1
TAKT takt within a line segment LD_TAKT NUMC 4
OPRZ1 Remaining quantity for business process OPRZ1 QUAN 13
OPRE1 Unit for remaining quantity of business process OPRE1 UNIT 3 *
PSPM_INDICATOR Indicates PMCS date influence activity scheduling PSPM_INDICATOR CHAR 1