
SAP Message Class J_1A_CAE

Message Class for Argentina Electronic Invoice AEI

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The Message Class J_1A_CAE (Message Class for Argentina Electronic Invoice AEI) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package J1AT.

Technical Information

Message Class J_1A_CAE
Short Text Message Class for Argentina Electronic Invoice AEI
Package J1AT


ID Language Text
000 E Maintain branch &1 as an electronic branch
001 E Annex. IV not yet received for the documents sent to AFIP for branch &1
002 E Specify file path for Annexure III
003 E Specify file path for Annexure V
004 E Define sales area for branch &1
005 E Specify sales organization for distribution channel &1
006 E Specify sales organization for division &1
007 E Specify sales organization for distr. channel &1 and division &2
008 E File cannot be created in the path &1, enter a valid path
009 E Missing docs created between &1 and &2, since last Annx3 created &3
010 E Posting date &1 cannot be earlier than last Annex. III creation date &2
011 E Posting date &1 is later than last Annex.III creation date &2
012 E You cannot modify document &1, it is sent to AFIP for CAE number approval
013 E Enter the inbound Annexure IV file name
014 E Inconsistency found in the total no. of rejected documents
015 E Inconsistency found in the total no. of approved documents
016 E Sales organisation &1 is not maintained under the branch &2
017 E Distribution channel &1 is not maintained under the branch &2
018 E Division &1 is not maintained under the branch &2
019 E Resend all the pending rejected documents for service to AFIP
020 E Resend all the pending rejected documents for sales to AFIP
021 E Company code &1 does not belong to Argentina
023 E Enter application server file path for Annexure III
024 E Cannot create file &1 on the application server
025 E You are not authorized to perform this action
026 E You are not authorized to perform this action
027 E You are not authorized to perform this action
028 E No Company found matching with the Sender's ID &1 (CUIT Number)
029 E Posting Date &1 of document &2 is less than last Annx 3 creation date &3
030 E Official document type is not valid for exports.
031 E C.U.I.T number or Tax code 2 is missing for customer &1.
032 E In document &1 , shipment code in not in maintained in correct format.
033 E Document Number missing for document &1.
034 E Branch code missing for document &1.
035 E Print Character missing for document &1.
036 E Document Year missing for document &1.
037 E Company Code missing for document &1.
038 E Document Date missing for document &1.
039 E Official Document Number missing for document &1.
040 E Document Type missing for document &1.
041 E CAE Number missing for document &1.
042 E CAE Date missing for document &1.
043 E CAE Status missing for document &1.
044 E Table J_1ACAE has been changed successfully.
045 E 0 bytes Received.
046 E No matching records found in J_1ACAE table.
047 E CAE status incorrect for document &1.
048 E Rejection code is incorrect for document &1.
049 E No file for XML generation