
SAP Function Group SWLU

WLC: Access routines (read, update)

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The Function Group SWLU (WLC: Access routines (read, update)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SWL. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group SWLU
Short Text WLC: Access routines (read, update)
Package SWL

Function Modules

Function Group SWLU contains 21 function modules.

SWL_GET_WI_STATUS_TEXT WLC: Statustext zu einem Workitemstatus
SWL_INBOX_DATES_VIEW_CREATE WLC: Ermittelt aus der Inbox eines Benutzers die Workitems mit Termin(en)
SWL_INBOX_VIEW_CREATE WLC: Determine inbox with language-dependent texts
SWL_WI_ATTRIBUTES_READ WLC: Lesen der virtuellen Attribute eines Workitems
SWL_WI_CONTAINER_READ WLC: Lesen Workitemcontainer
SWL_WI_DEADLINES_READ WLC: Lesen der aktuellen Termine eines Workitems
SWL_WI_DEADLINES_UPDATE WLC: Ändern der aktuellen Termine eines Workitems
SWL_WI_DESCRIPTION_READ WLC: Lesen Workitembeschreibung mit Variablen
SWL_WI_ENQUEUE WLC: Kapsel um Enqueue auf ein Workitem
SWL_WI_HEADER_READ WLC: Read work item header
SWL_WI_INBOX_READ WLC: Lesen der Attribute für den Eingangskorb
SWL_WI_METHODS_READ WLC: Lesen der Methoden
SWL_WI_OBJECTS_GET WLC: Read current objects for work item
SWL_WI_OBJECTS_READ WLC: Read current objects for work item
SWL_WI_READ WLC: Lesen eines Workitems (Header, Objekte, Beschreibung, .....)
SWL_WI_RESULTS_READ WLC: Lesen der Ergebnisse des Workitems
SWL_WI_UPDATE WLC: Modifizieren eines Workitems (Header, Objekte, Beschreibung, .....)