

Database alerts for MS SQL Server

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The package SMSS_ALERTS (Database alerts for MS SQL Server) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Short Text Database alerts for MS SQL Server
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SMSS_ALERTS contains 1 function groups.

SFMSS_MONITOR MSSQL monitoring functions for rz20

Database Tables

SAP Package SMSS_ALERTS contains 1 database tables.

MSSDWDLLS Holds records on the dlls in the disp+work


SAP Package SMSS_ALERTS contains 3 programs.

RSMMSS01 Create the rz20 monitoring tree for SQL Server
RSMMSS02 Create the rz20 monitoring tree for SQL Server
RSMSSDBA Dummy report to avoid short dumps in autoabap on MSSQL

Message Classes

SAP Package SMSS_ALERTS contains 1 message classes.

SMMSS_ALERTS Message class for MSSQL rz20 messages