

Function modules

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The Function Group HREFIGB_FUNC (Function modules) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB08. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HREFIGB_FUNC
Short Text Function modules
Package PB08

Function Modules

Function Group HREFIGB_FUNC contains 50 function modules.

HR_EFI_BC_POLL_DPS Controls the polling of forms from DPS
HR_EFI_BC_POLL_MAILBOX Controls the flow of communication between SAP and Gateway Mail boxes
HR_EFI_CHECK_GLBID_COMPLETE Modify the processed records
HR_EFI_CHECK_UPDATE_RECORDS Update the efiling infotypes
HR_EFI_COMPARE_PAYE Compare the incoming PAYE reference
HR_EFI_CONVERT_STRING_TO_TABLE convert a string into a table
HR_EFI_CONVERT_XML_UNICODE_SYS Convert XML from PCL4 in a Unicode system
HR_EFI_DBDELETE_SINGLE Delete single record from the efiling database
HR_EFI_DBUPDATE_SINGLE Modify the processed records
HR_EFI_DBUPDATE_T5GEF01 Modify the processed records
HR_EFI_DELETE_PROC_SINGLE Delete single record from efiling database tables
HR_EFI_DELETE_XML_FROM_PCL4 Delete XML documents from cluster
HR_EFI_EDIT_MESSAGE Reason for changing to an error status
HR_EFI_EXPORT_XML_TO_PCL4 Stores the XML file to the PCL4 cluster
HR_EFI_FILL_INFTY_STRUC Read all records not yet processed
HR_EFI_FILL_OVERVIEW show non processed forms
HR_EFI_IMPORT_XML_TO_PCL4 Retrieve XML data from PCL4 cluster
HR_EFI_INFTY_BEGIN_DATE Calculate the date to which the infotype may be updated
HR_EFI_INSERT_PROC_T5GEF01 Modify the processed records
HR_EFI_MATCH Matching module
HR_EFI_MATCH_RECORD match records in the table
HR_EFI_MATCHING_PROC Matching module
HR_EFI_MODIFY_PROC_SINGLE Modify the processed records
HR_EFI_MODIFY_PROC_T5GEF01 Modify the processed records
HR_EFI_MODIFY_T5GEF01 Modify the database table t5gef01
HR_EFI_NINO_MATCH Match national insurance number to pernr
HR_EFI_PARSE_FOR_MESSAGE_IDS Parsing for message ids
HR_EFI_PARSING_INCOMING Parse XML and store in Transparent tables
HR_EFI_PROPOSE_PERNR Propose personel number to be matched
HR_EFI_READ_CREDENTIALS Read user credentials
HR_EFI_READ_FORM_OVERVIEW Read the available incoming forms
HR_EFI_READ_NOT_PROC_SINGLE Read all records not yet processed
HR_EFI_READ_NOT_PROC_T5GEF01 Read all records not yet processed
HR_EFI_READ_PROC_SINGLE Read all records not yet processed
HR_EFI_READ_SYSTEM Determine system (Production or test)
HR_EFI_REFR_NOT_PROC_T5GEF01 Read all records not yet processed
HR_EFI_SHOW_INFTY_UPDATE Show the infotype record to be updated in a popup window
HR_EFI_SHOW_IT_0065 Update the infotype 65 record
HR_EFI_SHOW_IT_0070 Update the infotype 65 record
HR_EFI_SHOW_IT_0757 Update the infotype 65 record
HR_EFI_SHOW_PDF_FORM Show PDF form in HTML popup window.
HR_EFI_SHOW_WARNINGS Show eFiling warning messages
HR_EFI_UPDATE E-fileing Update module
HR_EFI_UPDATE_FROM_TRANSACTION Update the efiling infotypes
HR_EFI_UPDATE_INFOTYPES Update the efiling infotypes
HR_EFI_UPDATE_IT_0065 Update the infotype 65 record
HR_EFI_UPDATE_IT_0070 Update the infotype 65 record
HR_EFI_UPDATE_IT_0757 Update the infotype 65 record
HR_EFI_UPDATE_PREPARE Update the efiling infotypes
HR_EFI_WRITE_CONFIRMATION_TEXT Popup to write confirmation text