
SAP Function Group RHBD

Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition T77RD

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The Function Group RHBD (Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition T77RD) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PP08. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RHBD
Short Text Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition T77RD
Package PP08

Function Modules

Function Group RHBD contains 23 function modules.

RH_INIT_CALENDAR Initialisierung internen Kalender (intern)
RH_INIT_FCALID Initialisierung Fabrikkalender-Id (intern)
RH_READ_CALENDAR Lesen Kalenderdaten zum Tag (intern)
RH_REQUEST_ON_ALL_DAYS Lesen Standardbedarf
RH_REQUEST_ON_BEFOREHOLIDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Vorfeiertagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_BRIDGEDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Brückentagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_CHRISTMASEVE Lesen Bedarf am Heiligen Abend
RH_REQUEST_ON_DAYOFF Lesen Bedarf an arbeitsfreien Tagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_EASTERMONDAY Lesen Bedarf am Ostermontag
RH_REQUEST_ON_EASTERSUNDAY Lesen Bedarf am Ostersonntag
RH_REQUEST_ON_FRIDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Freitagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_GOODFRIDAY Lesen Bedarf am Karfreitag
RH_REQUEST_ON_HOLIDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Feiertagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_MONDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Montagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_NEWYEAR Lesen Bedarf an Neujahr
RH_REQUEST_ON_SATURDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Samstagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_SUNDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Sonntagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_THURSDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Donnerstagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_TUESDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Dienstagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_WEDNESDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Mittwochen
RH_REQUEST_ON_WEEKENDS Lesen Bedarf an Wochenenden
RH_REQUEST_ON_WORKINGDAYS Lesen Bedarf an Werktagen
RH_REQUEST_ON_WORKSCHEDULE Lesen Bedarf für die Arbeitszeitplanregel der Organisationseinheit